Mental Health Medication Management

ADHD medication information 

Refer to our ADHD Evaluation & Support fact sheet for information about being evaluated for ADHD medication, or transferring your ADHD medication management to Cornell Health.

ADHD medication shortage: Note that there is an ongoing shortage of ADHD medications in the U.S. We work with students as best as we are able to avoid breaks in treatment.

Prescription medications are often used to assist in the treatment of common college health concerns such as depression, anxiety, mood disorders, ADHD, and other mental health conditions.

Many students come to Cornell already taking prescription medication to support their mental health and well-being. Other students need or want to initiate medication support while at college.

At Cornell Health, evaluation of a student's need for mental health medications, as well as the prescribing and management of their medication is provided by the primary care medical providers and psychiatric nurse practitioners in our Medical Department

How to initiate care

New medication requests

If you are interested in being evaluated for mental health medication options, start by scheduling an Access Appointment with a Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) counselor. 

During this free 25-minute virtual appointment, the CAPS counselor will speak with you about your concerns and reasons for seeking care, and will refer you to an appropriate prescribing provider on our medical team. Students seeking ADHD medication may be referred for ADHD evaluation on or off campus, if appropriate (see more about ADHD).

To schedule an Access Appointment:

  • Log in to myCornellHealth using your Cornell NetID and password, select Appointments, and follow the prompts to schedule a mental health appointment. 
  • You may also call 607-255-5155 during business hours to schedule.

Medication transfer requests

If you already have a prescription for mental health medication and wish to transfer management of your prescription to a Cornell Health prescriber, call Cornell Health and ask to schedule a medication screening appointment (607-255-5155). 

During this free virtual appointment, a nurse will review your history and connect you with an appropriate prescribing provider.

NOTE: Please be sure to plan ahead with your current health care provider so you will have a sufficient supply of your medication(s) until you can arrange to continue your care here. At the beginning of the semester, it may take up to two to three months from the time you begin to make arrangements before your transfer is complete. (Note that for ADHD medication, documentation of your diagnosis must be provided: see ADHD Evaluation & Support for details and documentation requirements.)

Mental health medication management appointments

Once you initiate care by scheduling an Access Appointment or a medication screening appointment (see "How to initiate care," above), you will be connected with a primary care medical provider or one of our psychiatric nurse practitioners to evaluate your concerns and discuss prescription medication options. 

Mental health medication management appointments have a $10 visit charge. 

Please note that regular follow-up appointments are required to maintain certain medication prescriptions.

Prescription renewals 

If you don't have any refills left on your prescription, you will need to request a prescription renewal from your prescribing provider. To do so, call 607-255-5155 during business hours (renewal requests are not accepted through myCornellHealth). 

Please plan ahead: We suggest calling at least 3 business days prior to your last dose. It may take your provider up to 2 business days to renew your prescription, and once the prescription is renewed, it may take our pharmacy staff an additional business day to refill the renewed prescription. 

Prescription refills when you’re away from campus

If you have a current prescription on file with Cornell Health and/or the Cornell Health pharmacy, be sure to plan ahead before leaving campus to make sure you have enough medication during your time away.

Please note that the Cornell Health pharmacy can only transfer one refill to another pharmacy (according to NY State law), and there are legal limitations that affect certain medications. Visit our Pharmacy page for details about how to renew or refill a prescription on file at the pharmacy. If you have questions about prescription refills, please call 607-255-6976 and ask to speak with our pharmacist. 

Need help making a plan to maintain your medication?

If you need help making a plan to continue your medication while you’re away from campus, schedule an appointment with your Cornell Health provider by calling 607-255-5155 or logging in to myCornellHealth and selecting “Appointments.” Try to schedule your appointment at least several weeks before leaving campus.  

Need help maintaining your medication while you’re away?

If you run into difficulty maintaining your prescription medication or getting refills while you’re away from campus, please call us at 607-255-5155. We can help refer you to a provider in your area, or to a telehealth provider, to bridge your prescription until you return to campus.